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by Sravani Padmanabhuni December 22, 2013 In Bedroom Interior Design in Bangalore Best Interior Decorators in Bangalore Blog DIY home decor ideas Home decoration ideas & Tips Interiors Decoded Uncategorized

Tired of looking at your same old bedroom years on years? Or, you may be one of those who frequently like to experiment with the bedroom design.

Whatever your reasons, we have a fix or you. And it doesn’t get any simpler than this. We will talk about how to change the look of your bedroom to give it a complete makeover armed with only wallpaper.

Ways to Use a Wallpaper - Wallpaper design ideas
Bedroom Wallpaper Design

Don’t be deceived by this simple weapon. New wallpaper is like a breath of fresh air that can be extremely uplifting and bring positive vibes to your room. Nobody likes to come home to a bedroom that is drab, devoid of light and color. I mean, you want to feel relaxed and rested so the feel and appearance of a bedroom is very important.

Before taking a ride on how to chose wallpapers for bedroom interiors let us explain the advantages and disadvantages of using wallpapers.

Advantages of using wallpaper:

  • Wallpaper is easier and less messier than a wall paint.
  • Easy to change. Gives you the flexibility to change the look of your room more often
  • Available in a wide array of patterns. There is a unique wallpaper for everyone.
  • Looks much better than a wall paint.
  • If papered correctly, wallpaper can last up to 15 years.
  • Comes in wooden finish, cloth finish. You name it and its there.
  • Easy to clean and maintain.
Wallpaper design ideas
Bedroom Wallpaper Design

Disadvantages of using wallpaper:

  • It is very difficult to choose wallpaper since there is a whole lot of variety available in the market these days.
  • Wallpaper can peel off in the places that has moisture seeping in through the wall
  • Maintaining a wallpaper is tougher than paint. Same as with the cost. Cost of wallpaper is higher than paint.
  • Wallpaper can fade in places where there is direct contact with sunlight.

1. Choosing appropriate wallpaper (things to abide by):

Consider the size of your bedroom. A general rule of thumb when selecting wallpaper is this. Choose a dark colored wallpaper to make a large room look cozy and choose a lighter shade of wallpaper to make small rooms look bigger.

Horizontal lines on wallpaper make a room seem wider and bring the ceiling down.

  • Vertical lines do the exact opposite, they make the room look smaller but the ceiling look higher. Same logic you apply when choosing a dress!
  • Large patterns on a wallpaper don’t go well with small rooms as they tend to overshadow everything else and make the rooms look even smaller.
  • Reserve large prints for larger rooms, where they can become the focal point of the room.

2. Choosing a theme for your bedroom:

Your room reflects your personality. So its best if you are able to design your room in a way that to reflects your interests. So when you decide to redesign your bedroom. Consider the following points to choose a theme.

  • What are your interests? Your hobbies? Write them down. For example, if you like soccer or cats or traveling, this can be the basis of your theme. You have to be creative. Your room should remind you of the things you love the most. It adds to the positive aura of the room.
  • Decide on a color scheme. If your room already has an existing color scheme that you don’t want to change, it will still be ok.
  • If you want to change the color scheme do take into account the colors of your existing upholstery and furniture. Don’t deviate radically from their colors. Instead, pick colors from them to choose the wallpaper.
wallpapers design - Choosing a theme for your bedroom
Bedroom Wall Paper Design

3. Colour palette:

This is an easy one! Every colour sets a mood. Blue is energetic, white is pure, green is nature itself, yellow is peppy, pink is soft and girly and so on. Decide what your fix is and the rest will follow.

4. Choosing a focal point:

If you still cant decide, choose the biggest focal point of your room. It could be a rug, a piece of art on the wall, anything at all. Take inspiration from the colours that are present in that.

Choosing a focal point - wallpaper designs
Facial Point Wallpaper Design

5. Creating accent walls:

Accent walls are specific walls in your room that you can choose to wallpaper, instead of wallpapering all the walls. The accent was is a special wall. It should attract your eyes as soon as you enter the room. If you cant decide, ask a friend to enter your bedroom and tell you which wall stands out the most and have that one wallpapered.

6. Ceiling wallpaper for a unique look.

Wallpapering only the ceiling makes for a very chic appearance. If there is diffused lighting in your room, even better. It gives the bedroom a magical glow. Be warned though, very dark shades can mar the look and make the room claustrophobic. Stick to neutral shades and pleasant patterns.

Ceiling wallpaper design ideas
Ceiling wallpaper design

7. Repetitive patterns-a word of caution.

Placing the wall papers in the repetitive patterns may look attractive until and unless you use them in each and every nook of the room. But chose the pattern that wont break the bank.

Repetitive patterns walpaper design ideas
Repetitive patterns wallpaper design

8. Create a wow factor with the wallpaper:

With the numerous designs that are available in the market chose the wallpaper that fits the bill and pretty up your room with your favorite color.

9. Pep up your walls by adding textured wallpapers to your space.

Give a textured feel of your favorite bedroom by choosing textured wall paper which gives you a aww feel as soon as you enter into the place. Be proud of what you chose.

textured wallpapers design ideas
textured wallpapers wallpapers

10. Make a sophisticated style statement with 3D and digital wallpapers:

If you want to surprise your guests, chose the right fanciful wallpaper apart from your favorite color which flips your ordinary room to a work of art. Placing a 3D and digital wallpaper will definitely be a visual feast for the visitors.

3D and digital wallpapers
3D and digital wallpapers

You can really make the living in your dream bedroom come alive with the right wallpapers. Chose the perfect wallpaper because it’s good to wake up to something warm and inviting.

11. Transform your headboard into a focal point with wallpaper paneling:

Take your headboard game to the next level by creating a custom wallpaper panel behind it. This technique not only adds visual interest and depth to your bedroom but also allows you to experiment with different textures, colors, and patterns. It’s a surefire way to make your headboard the star of the show. 

12. Use wallpaper to draw attention to architectural nooks and alcoves:

Utilise wallpaper to draw attention to architectural recesses or alcoves if your bedroom already has these distinct characteristics. Select a wallpaper for your room that harmonises with its overarching design and colour scheme, since this will help to highlight the space’s architectural features and transform them into attention-grabbing focal points. 

13. Experiment with mixed wallpaper patterns:

Dare to mix different wallpaper patterns in your bedroom for a bold and eclectic look. Combine complementary or contrasting designs to create a visually dynamic and personalized space. Just remember to balance the intensity of the patterns, ensuring they work together harmoniously. 

14. Combine wallpaper with mirrors for an illusion of space:

Applying wallpaper in a way that creates the impression of more room might be helpful if you have a bedroom that is on the cramped side. Use it on only one wall and strategically position mirrors so that they reflect both the wallpaper and the surrounding natural light. This combination contributes depth and visual extension, giving the impression that your bedroom is more open and airier than it really is. 

How can we help you?

Looking to turn your bedroom into a work of art with stunning wallpapers? Bonito Designs, India’s No. 1 full home personalized interior design brand. 

With Bonito Designs, you’ll discover a world of end-to-end solutions for all your interior needs. Whether it’s selecting the perfect wallpaper, designing a theme that reflects your personality, or creating a focal point that leaves everyone in awe, Bonito Designs has got you covered. 

What stands out at inito Designs is unparalleled brilliance. With over 250+ in-house designs, their creative team brings innovation and expertise to every project. Plus, their 10-year warranty on interior services ensures your peace of mind for years to come. 

But that’s not all! Bonito Designs is committed to quality. Their products undergo a meticulous 7-stage quality check, guaranteeing precision and attention to detail from start to finish. Trust them to transform your bedroom into a space that exudes style, comfort, and sophistication. 

Visit Bonito Designs today and unlock the true potential of your bedroom with their exceptional interior design services. 
